Periwinkle is the Pantone color of the year, so let’s celebrate it! Well, it’s specifically PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri, but the plants don’t know they’re supposed to perfectly match a color swatch, so we’ll get as close as we can.
Blue Wave petunias, verbena, lavender, and salvia are great for season-long color and include varieties in awesome periwinkle or adjacent shades. Imagine a beautiful ceramic pot stuffed full of verbena and trailing petunias.

Periwinkle looks great with blues and purples, shades of pink and rose, white and yellow, and of course green. Try planting in a blue, earth toned, or creamy white pot.
Perennials are gifts that keep on giving, so you can enjoy gorgeous periwinkle hues year after year. Here are some options for sun and shade:
Sun Lovers Clematis, lavender, salvia, catmint, Echinops, hyssop, Scabiosa, and Russian sage are just a few gorgeous perennials to choose from. Planting in a monochromatic scheme creates a peaceful effect in the garden. Combine with other shades of blue and purple for a satisfying, serene look.

Periwinkle is gorgeous combined with yellow, white, orange, pink, and purple. Imagine a sunny border complete with periwinkle salvia, white and purple coneflowers, and long-blooming catmint. How about some bright yellow Rudbeckia, and soft pink sedum, or purple asters to round out the fall look?

Shady Characters Vinca vine, aka periwinkle, deserves an honorary spot at the top of this list. The vining ground cover has precious little flowers and a crawling habit.

Brunnera, Amsonia, Pulmonaria, and Polemonium all bloom in beautiful shades of purple and light blue. Many of the shady options bloom earlier in the season and light up the landscape for spring and early summer.