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Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

One of the best small flowering trees of use in southern Minnesota is the lovely Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry. In late April to early May , beautiful lacy white blossoms cover this close cousin of our native serviceberry, just at the time when we are longing to see lots of flowers after a long Minnesota winter.

Not only do we get to enjoy the flowering of Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry but it’s not long before tasty reddish purple fruits are available in late June and early July for the enjoyment and sustenance of both wildlife and humans. I love to pick and eat these 1/2″ to 3/4″ fruits right off the tree, if I can get them before the birds have a feast.

When late September / early October arrives, Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry offers another nice feature as a mix of yellow, orange and red fall color decorates this hardy tree. Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry is avaialbe as a single stem tree or a multi-stem clump, depending on the form that fits best into your landscape. The mature size of Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry trees is about 20 feet tall by 15 feet wide making it a good choice for modest sized spaces.

Plant in well drained soils with full sun to partial sun exposure. It can be used as a specimen tree or planted in a thicket, it can frame a side of the yard.

For multi-season interest, Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry is a real winner if you’re looking for a modest sized ornamental tree!