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Matador Maple

Matador Maple

Imagine a tree with gorgeous red fall color, vigorous growth, and innately good structure. Sounds almost too good to be true doesn’t it? But take heart- it is all possible with the beautiful Matador maple. 


Matador maple shows pleasing symmetrical branching and a strong central leader with minimal maintenance. The handsome form is already apparent at a young age and only gets better as the tree matures to its lovely upright oval shape. A superb landscape tree indeed.

Matador Maple
Matador maples in full fall glory.

Matador was selected in part because of its superior fall color.  Starting with orange tones and finishing a deep red- it is a standout tree for the fall show alone. The uniquely rich color blends beautifully with evergreens and the fantastic yellows and oranges of fall. 

Matador maple fall color
Matador Maple fall color. Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries

Matador sizes up to about 45 feet tall and 30 feet wide, making it a substantial but not overwhelmingly large choice for small and medium sized yards. That’s not to say it wouldn’t work beautifully in larger landscapes as well!

Other Tidbits

Matador is a fast growing hybrid (Acer x freemanii ‘Bailston’) that thrives in rich, moist soil and plenty of sun. That said, this adaptable tree can also handle less than ideal sites as well.  Known to put on fall color a tad later and hold onto its leaves a bit longer, Matador is very reliable in terms of color. Excellent for extending fall interest.