As the 2020 season winds down, all of us at Knecht’s are reflecting on how thankful we are for our staff and customers. Together, we worked through the challenges of the last many months and safely came together to celebrate our love of plants. We are grateful to be a place that our community can come to and nurture a healthy, safe activity during these unprecedented times, and we look forward to fostering that environment in the future!
We’d like to extend a big thank you to our returning customers and veteran gardeners that make every day so special. We absolutely love getting to know you through our shared zeal for landscaping. We learn so much from you and appreciate your dedication to what is a worthy and fun pursuit. We look forward to seeing you and your beautiful gardens in the spring!
We would be remiss not to mention all of the new gardeners we got to meet this season! We saw so much enthusiasm as you embarked on your journey, and we’re excited to grow with you as you continue with this fulfilling and life-long passion. Every success in your vegetable patch, every speck of dirt under your nails, and every perfectly placed (or misplaced!) shrub is an opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of the world around you. We couldn’t be more delighted at the thought of sharing that experience with you for years to come!
Thank you everyone! Grab a warm beverage, start planning next year’s garden, and have a safe winter!
If you find yourself missing us too much (and we know you will!), we will be around periodically throughout the winter. Check our website for current winter hours or give us a call.